I had my daughter Deonne May take these pictures today. I like the way I look, the only thing that really bugs me is that my belly sticks out a little. Hmmm....So does my butt! Or do they call it a Badonkadonk!!! LOL I was a little tired when these pictures were taken, so I'm sorry for the cranky look. :) Anyways, these are just a couple update pictures. My weigh-in day is tomorrow. Wish me luck everyone! I hope I lost a couple pounds since last Monday.
We'll see.....
Have a great day everyone!


Wow Andrea! I can tell that you have lost so much weight! Your legs are looking so good and your badonkeedonk!! haha~ I am so proud of you for losing your 10 %- that is a HUGE deal and I know you have worked so hard for that!!! You are such an ispiration to me and to so many others!
Gaylene said…
You go girl!! You inspire me!!

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