Here are some really good workout/shopping/food ideas that I wanted to share

Sometimes I get bored with just running or walking, so I try to mix up my workouts with idea from Weight Watchers magazine, and also fit TV, and other places. Here are some really good workout/shopping/food ideas that I wanted to share

  1. When you take your kids to the park, here are some workout ideas that you can do at the park with your kids. You can run up the slide 10 times. Do pull ups, and push ups. Do the monkey bars with your kids. Hang up side down on the monkey bars then do up side down crunches or sit ups.

  2. Go walking or running in the sand. This is a great way to get more out of your workout then just walking on a track or side walk because it works your muscles harder.

  3. When you go walking or running, do interval training. For instance, walk at a fast pace at first, then run, then walk, then run. Mixing it up makes your body work hard, and also your body will burn more calories.

  4. Here are some good tips for when you have your child in the stroller, but still want to get a good walking workout done. I found these these tips in a magazine that I read. Stay relaxed whether running or walking, and try to keep your entire body loose and your breathing steady. Make sure your posture is good and that you aren't hunched over when pushing the stroller. Hunching over will put more strain on your shoulders, and will hurt your back and your shoulders (I know form experience).
  5. Add some music to your workouts so you aren't bored. Also music makes working out fun.
  6. Add bursts of speed when you walk, you will burn more calories.
  7. Head for the hills. This will help you burn up to 50% more calories and help to sculpt your leg muscles.
  8. Fuel up on a healthy light snack before a workout. This will help you to keep going for longer during your workout and may help to burn more calories.
  9. When your done with your workout, give yourself a non-food treat. That way you will look forward to your treat at the end of your workout! (The husbands might not like this one because it will get expensive!) LOL
  10. When you need to go shopping, make sure that you don't shop when you're hungry. When you're hungry, you'll buy anything and everything that looks good, and that's not necessarily good for you. Also, shop the perimeter of the store. The healthiest foods can be found on the perimeter of the store. Avoid the ailes because that is where the junk is, and the processed food is.
  11. A heart rate monitor is a good investment. You can keep your heart rate at an optimal rate to burn calories. I really want to get one. Maybe one day... I watch that show we've all probably heard about called "The Biggest Loser" The contestants wear a thing around their upper arms called "The Body Bug" from 24 Hour Fitness. That gadget can measure how many calories you are burning, and your heart rate. I have been really interested in getting one, but haven't found out how much they cost. If anyone else finds out anything please let me know. Thanks.
  12. Add music to your workouts. My husband bought me an MP3 player a week ago and I love it! It has made my workouts less boring, and it keeps my mind busy while I'm sweating my butt off!
  13. Here's a good tip that I read in the Weight Watchers magazine. When you are eating a meal, stop eating halfway through the meal and decide if you're still hungry. That way you are less likely to over eat and stuff yourself.
  14. When you are going to eat a meal, use a small plate instead of those large dinner plates. That way you are forced to use portion control, and also since you are using a small plate your mind is tricked into thinking that you're having a lot of food because the plate looks full. This is a great way to trick your mind into thinking you're eating a lot when you're not. I do this all the time.
  15. Don't have junk food in the house, that way you are less likely to eat it when it's not there
  16. When you're watching a show on TV and a commercial comes on, get on the floor and do some push ups or some sit ups or jumping jacks, or whatever. That is a great way to get some exercise in during the day! There's no more excuses about not having the time to exercise people! :) I do this one every day. I will get down on the floor to do about 10 push ups, then I'll go about cleaning the house or what ever. I know I'm strange, but this is a great tip!

I can't think of any more right now, but when I do I will share them with you all. I hope that this stuff helps someone out there. I know they help me a lot. If anyone else has any other tips or suggestions, please share. I'm interested in getting any other tips that I can.

Well, better go for now. Have a great day all!


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