Hey y'all! I just read THE BEST blog post ever! It is SO true and it made me laugh because it was written SO cute! Here is what she posted on her blog!

"Internal diet wars: Fairy Fat Mother vs. Healthy Princess"

"There is a war raging inside of me (and maybe you) between good and evil, between fat and healthy and I’ve come to realize it all started the first time I went on the Monday Diet. Have you ever been on the Monday diet? Let’s take this little quiz and find out.
Have you ever started a diet on a Monday?
Have you ever given up on that diet by Monday afternoon?
Have you ever promised yourself that you’d get back on your diet on Monday?
Have you ever missed starting your diet on a Monday because you bought too much food to binge on over the weekend and it wasn’t all gone and you had to eat it on Monday to get rid of it? If you answered YES to two or more of the above questions, chances are you’re familiar with the Monday Diet but what you may not know is the CEO of The Monday Diet is actually your very own Fairy Fat Mother!! SHOCKING!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait? You didn’t know about your Fairy Fat Mother? Not surprising, she does a very good job of blending in and going undetected. Let me back up just a minute here and see if I can explain. Your Fairy Fat Mother shouldn't be confused with your Fairy God Mother. Your Fairy God Mother looks out for you but your Fairy Fat Mother is a twofaced witch who pretends to be on your side and pretends to be your friend but is really trying to overthrow the Healthy Princess and take the tile of ruler of your kingdom. While you may never have seen her, Fairy Fat Mother (FFM) is always there and I’m certain many of you have heard her voice. It sounds something like this… Have another piece of chocolate cake or another donut, no one is looking. Its okay that you’ve cheated, you can start again on Monday. No that outfit isn’t too tight, go ahead and eat some more while it lasts. On Monday afternoon when you’re trying to get that sticky vending machine candy bar wrapper from your fingers she coddles you and empowers you with a false sense of purpose by telling you it’s ok to feel like a failure now because on MONDAY you can start your diet all over again and on Monday things will be different and that Monday is the first day of the rest of your life. But for now go ahead and eat everything you like because starting Monday you’ll never be able to eat your favorite foods again… Yes! THAT’S HER!! I knew you knew her! Inside of my body (and maybe yours too) there is a war waging for control of the kingdom. FFM keeps looking young and beautiful as long as you keep the fat cells full, plump and growing. She feeds on your failure and likes to keep the Healthy Princess locked up in the tower or the dungeon, drugged on food and brain washed with a case of
diet amnesia. So how do you win this internal war? You have to outsmart FFM. The problem is that FFM is sly and cunning. FFM pretends to support Healthy Princess but actually FFM wants to keep Healthy Princess locked away and be supreme queen and ruler of the temple of YOU forever. WE can NOT let her win! FFM can make you oversleep so you don’t have time for a healthy breakfast. She uses the power of suggestion to convince you that a 35 calorie rice cake and an apple are enough food to get you through the day. Of course she poisoned the apple and we know how those poisonous apples worked out for Snow White don’t we! She waits for Healthy Princess to collapse from hunger or cheat and FFM and her evil fat cell minions swoop in, throw Healthy Princess in the tower and reclaim the crown. FFM is pretty mean and nasty isn’t she? I’ve found a little trick to beating her and I’m going to let you in on my secret. FFM and her minions know that the Healthy Princess is planning another revolution; they know there is an attack scheduled for Monday. They are waiting and watching and ready to trip her up every step of the way by scoring invitations to all you can eat buffets and pumping the scent of fresh baked cookies into every room she enters. The way to beat FFM is to simply not wait until Monday to reclaim your health. START NOW! When you are tempted to wait until next Monday, start eating healthy now and when FFM throws those temptations in front of you, RESIST. If you fall under FFM’s spell and you can’t resist then get right back on track for your very next meal. Trust me your Fairy Fat Mother will NEVER see this coming. Are you ready to overthrow the FFM and become supreme queen and ruler of your temple? I know I am! Game on Fairy Fat Mother…there is a new princess in town and your days in this kingdom are numbered."

Didn't you all just LOVE that post?! I sure did! I can tell you all one thing, I won't let MY Fairy Fat Mother take control of MY kingdom ever again!I've lost 31 pounds so far, and I intend to lose another 34 pounds for a total of 65 pounds! I will be the Healthy Princess that I was meant to be!

By the way, here is a link to her blog in case anyone is interested


I'm glad you enjoyed my post. Congratulations on your weight loss so far, great job!

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