Why did I do that to myself?

Today after I picked up my kids from school, I decided that I would take the kids to McDonald's for lunch. I bought a couple Big Macs and a Large fries and a Diet Coke. I ate one Big Mac, half of the large fries, and drank almost all of the diet soda. At first everything tasted really good, but then after a while, I realized that I was feeling kind of bad. I had, and still do have, that full, bloated and just overall crappy feeling. I feel as if I've eaten a bucket full of lard! GROSS!!!! Why did I eat that garbage? I don't know why I did that to myself. Every single time I eat fast food, I feel terrible, but yet I keep going back for more. What is wrong with me? Every time I eat fresh whole foods, I feel really good, not weighed down from all the fats and sugar and processed junk. But yet I have some old habits that refuse to die. I'm just going to have to try harder to stay away from the fast food, that's all. I'll just have to try harder.
This morning I went to the gym for an hour. I did some cardio and some weight training. I sure wore myself out. At least I burned off some calories that I ate from my horrible lunch.
Oh yeah, today is my weigh-in day. Of course the usual happened, nothing! I lost NOTHING! My weight loss is at a stall. I think I'm at a plateau or something because my weight refuses to budge. Not sure what I need to do differently then what I'm doing now, but I do know that I'll just keep trying to eat better and I'll keep doing my exercise stuff that I do every day.
Any pointers as to what you all think I should do? Drink more water? Should I up my level of intensity of my workouts? Should I vary my workouts? I do a lot of the same things every day. Maybe that's it. I'm doing too much of the same stuff and my body's getting used to it? Not sure. I do know one thing though. I will NOT give up on myself even though I'm frustrated. I'll just keep going!
Oh yeah, I never did get on the treadmill yesterday. I got all tied up doing house work and taking care of my kids. Plus it was more towards the evening time and I've recently realized that workouts in the evening are a bad idea for me. It's too easy to not do any exercise, and to be lazy. That's why I workout first thing in the morning. In the words of Larry the Cable guy "GIT-R-DONE!!!" I'm not a fan of the guy, but that saying was necessary here! By the way, has anyone watched the roast of Larry the Cable Guy that was on Comedy Central the other day? I thought it was hilarious! For those of you with sensitive ears, you probably should not watch it. Consider that your warning. And if you do decide to watch it though, don't blame me. I warned you all.
Anyways, I gotta go. Got to get some house work done. That's my life and I love it!
Have a good day all! Later!


MaryFran said…
I gave up fast food a few years ago...but I still get 'cravings' for it occaisionally. And each time I give in to the craving, I get physically ill! It's amazing!
Foodie McBody said…
Dear Andrea,
I have the utmost of admiration and affection for you. You have lost a lot more than I have on this journey. And yet I did a double-take when I read about the Big Mac and fries. I know that if I did that I would have no question at all why I didn't lose weight that week.

I guess my first question is why ever take your kids to McDonald's for lunch? Does it seem like a treat to them? Because it is soooo not doing them any favors. I ate a ton of fast food growing up because my dad was a traveling salesman and my mom was depressed about being "left alone" so often, and she didn't want to deal with cooking. So we lived on fast food drive-throughs and frozen entrees. I think this really contributed to my lifelong weight issues. Please don't let your kids think that McD's is "special" or a "treat." I wish I had never brought my own kids when they were smaller, because it was a big deal for them to unlearn and even now one of them is struggling weight-wise, which I regret more than I can say.

Anyway. You do SO MUCH GOOD for yourself that it really startled me that you would take yourself AND your kids to fast food. There must be better alternatives for times of stress, hurry, etc.

I think you really did get your own "answer" when you felt so bad and then showed no change at the WI. You know. I just want to support you to find alternatives to the FF habit... you and your kids will be so much healthier, happier and better off. I know what a challenge it is when it's such an ingrained habit, but I think it will be so much easier to attain your goal(s) if you cross fast food off your list for good.
This is a Reply to Foodie McBody's comment.
Yes, I have to admit that I do take my kids to get fast food as a treat to them. But I'm thinking that I will slow down how much I buy them fast food, or stop getting the fast food all together. It will be difficult, because of how addicting fast food is, and how convenient, but in the long run it is a better choice to just try to stop eating it. I can't forget that fast food will put me in the poor house because it's so dang expensive.
Thanks for your comment. It really made me thing about how I eat and the kinds of foods that I feed my family. I also want to say that since I've started eating healthier, for the most part, and getting exercise, that has definately had an impact on my family for the better. I'm so glad that I took that first step to becomming healthy one year ago. I know for a fact that if I didn't, then I would be sitting here in front of my computer still the obese woman that I was, and I'd probably be over 200 pounds. That scares me a lot. I will never go back to what I was. It's still difficult to eat healthy all the time because I have some old habbits that refuse to go away, but I am determined to succeed with this weight loss thing! It's not IF I get to my goal weight, it's WHEN! :)
Thanks again for your comment. I really appreciated it!
Foodie McBody said…
Andrea, thanks for your reply. I KNOW (believe me I know) how hard it is to break certain habits that just aren't the best health-wise. For a lot of reasons, they make life easier but in the long run it is so not worth it.

Take it from me. I know you have small children. Think of how it would break your heart to have your daughter be a teenager or young adult, struggling with her weight, and having trouble not eating fast food because "It was always a special treat when my mom would take us to McDonald's." Think of other ways to "treat" them and think of ways to make healthier food more special. I have a young-adult daughter who is struggling with her weight and I cannot even begin to tell you how it breaks my heart, especially knowing that I contributed in some way to her struggle. It's a terrible feeling.

I worried about being "confrontational" regarding your post because I tend to really AVOID confrontation at all cost, but I just didn't want to see you (and your kids) going down a path that you and they will later regret.

oxoxo and all support to you ---
Maggie said…
I've done this before. Allowed the habit, to get the better of me. Just like you, I felt crappy afterwards. You live and learn, and move on. I think you're doing a terrific job. You're teaching not only yourself but, your kids how to live a healthy life style. Kudos to you!

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