
I was looking at comments that were added to my guest book and also the comments that people have said to the posts that I've written. I wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for those great words that you all said. Those things that were said are SO great, and they make me feel really good about all this dang hard work that I've done to get to where I'm at in my own weight loss journey. It's such a great compliment when I hear that I actually inspire people. I can't believe that as I go through this weight loss journey of my own, I am helping to inspire other people. I think that's so awesome that anyone is inspired by what I'm doing. I have to say and also I want to say that you all inspire me. You all are really an inspiration to me in the way that you all are so motivated to get healthy, and to thrive in life and not just exist in it while it's passing you by. You all inspire me to keep going and to keep doing the work so that I can get to the healthier person that I strive to be.


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