I was Inspired!!

I went for a run today. At first I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do anything. My baby was so tired, and upset and all he wanted was for me to hold him. After about an hour of holding him on my lap he eventually was content with watching some cartoons with his brothers and sisters and I was able to get my workout clothes on and go running. I was a little tired before I even started, but I'm so glad that I got out of the house and worked out. I ran 4.8 miles, did
10, 027 steps, and burned 455 calories!!! Woo Hoo!!! I'm so proud of myself!! Then after I got home I took the kids to Baskin Robbins and refilled all the calories I burned off! :D I had a cookie dough Sunday! That thing was GOOD!!!

Anywho, I wanted to tell you all something that happened while I was out running. At one point of my run I was seriously thinking about slowing down to a walk because I was feeling a little tired. Then I looked up and saw this little fire hydrant that was painted all kinds of different colors and had the word "FOCUS" painted on it! I got inspired right then and there to keep running! It was incredible! I kept running and every time I felt like I wanted to walk, I thought about the word on that fire hydrant and that kept me feeling inspired to keep on running! I can't explain how much that little word helped. I was proud of myself that I kept running even though I wanted to quit. So as I was running, I noticed this sign in the window of one of the buildings in town that said "STEVE PREFONTAINE MEMORIAL RUN". It's going to be in the middle of September. The run is going to be a 10k which, if I'm not mistaken, is about 6 miles. Something interesting happened when I saw that little sign in the window. I thought to myself "I want to do that run!" The "Old" me would have looked at that sign in the window and wouldn't even give a thought in participating in something like that.

I love the "New" me! She's more confident and believes in herself! I love that!


Doug said…
You should definitely do the run. Races are awesome, even if you aren't racing anyone but yourself :)

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