I'm STILL paying!

I'm still paying for the workout that I did 2 days ago! When I woke up this morning my body was really sore. When I got up out of bed my legs were just killing me. Don't even ask me to sit down either, that's even worse then walking! LOL I really over did it with that workout that I did. It was worth it though, but I've had to take it easy today. Maybe I'll do a light workout for my upper body. We'll see. Although I did vacuum out my vehicle today and that took 2 hours because of all the sand which was just EVERYWHERE! It was quite a pain in the butt to vacuum, but I couldn't just leave it in there because I can't stand a dirty car. Maybe that will count as my upper body workout? :)


Christine said…
The other day, I went on a walk and did lunges. It hurt to sit down for two days. Hope you feel better soon.

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