Shhhh!!!! Don't tell!!!!!

I'm sitting here eating a chocolate chip cookie. It's so good! I know that I probably shouldn't, but oh well. It's okay to have a cookie here and there right? Today my sweet neighbor lady gave my kids and I a big bag of cookies that she made! She's such a sweet lady! I think I ate about 5 of those cookies. Oh my! I feel so guilty! And to make me feel even worse, I didn't workout today at all. My whole body was so sore this morning from my workout that I did yesterday so I took a break today. I'll just have to workout that much harder tomorrow.

So, I know I'm not the only one to splurged today. You know who you are. What did you all eat today that you shouldn't have?? Just curious.


I hope you enjoyed the cookie(s)! I love homemade cookies, but both during my own personal journey, and now, I have to limit how much I bake!

Have a great day.
ShellyD said…
Hmmm, does a Handmade bar of almond, apricot and mango enrobed in yogurt count :-) Maybe those caramel cupcakes tucked away are the 'naughty' of the day. Okay, I think I'm splurging today. :-)

Carlos said…
yummm. and all that guilt has to burn at least a few calories right?
JC said…
the other day I had peach cobbler and ice cream for breakfast. then I had a cupcake....

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