Something different

I didn't go running today like I usually do. Instead, I am planning to do a strength training workout. I've been neglecting doing weight training so I think I need to incorporate that into my routine, if not every day then I think I will alternate the two.
Instead of using just my hand weights, I think I will get my kids involved. Something I used to do in the Army when I had just had my first daughter was pregnancy PT (Physical Training for Pregnant Soldiers). We would do exercises with our babies and it was a lot of fun. One of the exercises that I did that was fun and effective was I would hold my daughter out in front of me, and then I would squat down like I was going to sit in a chair, and then I'd stand back up. That's a fun little exercise, and really good for the legs and butt. Exercise can and should be fun. It doesn't necessarily need to be done with weights, at a gym, or be boring. I think it's a good thing to keep things interesting so as to not get bored with things. Same with food. If you're always eating the same things every single day then you're bound to get bored faster and then start eating things that are no good for your body.

Yesterday I took my kids to the park so we could get out of the house for a while. I brought my "Total Money Makeover" book by Dave Ramsey with me so I wouldn't be bored out of my mind. (Awesome book by the way if I haven't said that before!) I was sitting there reading that book, and I came across the best quote that I have ever heard in a long time. There are so many awesome quotes that not only can be related to money, but can also be related to health and fitness. Here's the quote:

If you aren't really careful, "The Good Enough" can become the enemy of "The Best". "Bad" is seldom the enemy of "The Best", but mediocrity with a dose of doubt can keep you from excellence. Finishing well can be more important than starting well.

I love that quote and I just had to share it!


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