Tell me one thing please....

Why can't I put my foot in my mouth instead of talk sometimes??? I seem to say the wrong thing ALL the time. Even when I'm joking around, the wrong words seems to come out of my mouth, and then are understood in the completely wrong way they were intended to. Am I the only one that does this??? I'm frustrated. I need to vent, and I don't know who in the world to talk to. I don't want to bother anyone, but sometimes I feel like I am. Heck, I'm so tired of worrying about what other people think! I am living my life for my husband and my kids, and they're the ones that matter the most, period.


I have a sarcastic bent that sometimes surprises people. Sometimes they can't tell if I'm kidding or not!
Cassandra said…
I am the same way... Then at night I sit and stew about what I said and how they miss took what I said, and it is VERY true at the end of the day only your husband and kids matter.
Martalu said…
Well you don't worry about other folks. We all flub up, but if people can't forgive and forget, then you have to let that go.

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