Good Enough?
That's what I often think when I look at my "after" picture. Am I good enough? When will I be at the perfect weight? Is there a way for me to be happy with where I'm at? Today when I was watching TV with my kids, I saw these very pretty women. Every time I watch TV, I'm reminded about this impossible standard that I'll never be able to reach. It's like there's some magical weight that you need to be at in order to be happy. So far in my weight loss journey I still feel like I'm not "there" yet. It's maddening. Half the time when I'm about to hop onto that scale of mine, a wishful thought goes through my mind hoping for a lower number. I get on the scale..... and you guessed it! THE SAME OLD NUMBER!!! UGH! I think I should just remember one thing though that is equally as important as losing the weight. I haven't GAINED any weight back so that's probably the true test right there on how I'm doing in my weight loss journey. There's one quote that I heard somewhere.
"A plateau is like practice for maintenance."
I think that's how I should look at it. Otherwise I'll go crazy! body is really hanging onto this last 20 or so pounds and it's really frustrating me. I do like how I look. I probably could stop here at this weight and just be happy that I "sort of" reached my goal. I'm very happy that I've lost the 42 pounds that I have, but I still want to lose more. I'm not satisfied with where I'm at. I know I shouldn't get my hopes all wrapped up in that dang scale, but ya know what? It's hard not to. I've been working hard to get rid of the weight. I've been doing a pretty good job with the eating. Sure, I've had my weak moments but who hasn't? Luckily on the days when I've had those weak moments, I've worked out for 2 or more hours, so it's sort of like I broke even with the amount of calories that I've eaten, and the amount that I burned off. Why is this weight loss thing so frustrating?? I heard a million times that it's always harder to lose those last few pounds, but SHEESH! Come on people! I'm workin hard to burn off the fat, and my body's hardly workin' to get rid of it! UGH! I have gone through 4 plateaus so far. All of those dang plateaus are equally frustrating! It doesn't get easier the more you go through. If anything it makes me want to work that much harder for what I want. At least I haven't gained more inches, that's a good thing. I know I shouldn't just focus on the scale, but dang! I just want to see a lower number already! I've been at this weight for months! 153 is all the scale will show me! It's like that little plastic thing is trying to test my will to see how strong I am and how determined I am to reach my goal weight. Well, I'm not going to let that scale take control over me and my determination to succeed. I'm one feisty little woman! I'll prove that the scale doesn't have control over my life. I'll get there! Wait and see! DANGET!
"A plateau is like practice for maintenance."
I think that's how I should look at it. Otherwise I'll go crazy! body is really hanging onto this last 20 or so pounds and it's really frustrating me. I do like how I look. I probably could stop here at this weight and just be happy that I "sort of" reached my goal. I'm very happy that I've lost the 42 pounds that I have, but I still want to lose more. I'm not satisfied with where I'm at. I know I shouldn't get my hopes all wrapped up in that dang scale, but ya know what? It's hard not to. I've been working hard to get rid of the weight. I've been doing a pretty good job with the eating. Sure, I've had my weak moments but who hasn't? Luckily on the days when I've had those weak moments, I've worked out for 2 or more hours, so it's sort of like I broke even with the amount of calories that I've eaten, and the amount that I burned off. Why is this weight loss thing so frustrating?? I heard a million times that it's always harder to lose those last few pounds, but SHEESH! Come on people! I'm workin hard to burn off the fat, and my body's hardly workin' to get rid of it! UGH! I have gone through 4 plateaus so far. All of those dang plateaus are equally frustrating! It doesn't get easier the more you go through. If anything it makes me want to work that much harder for what I want. At least I haven't gained more inches, that's a good thing. I know I shouldn't just focus on the scale, but dang! I just want to see a lower number already! I've been at this weight for months! 153 is all the scale will show me! It's like that little plastic thing is trying to test my will to see how strong I am and how determined I am to reach my goal weight. Well, I'm not going to let that scale take control over me and my determination to succeed. I'm one feisty little woman! I'll prove that the scale doesn't have control over my life. I'll get there! Wait and see! DANGET!
after reading countless weightloss success stories, im finding that many women end up shrunk to their goal size, with much more weight at that size than before they got large. different theories, muscle developement, very dense and heavy skeletal frame from carrying around a heavy body ect. sometimes, weight is less than an important guide..sorry for the book! but im in the same boat, happy to shrink, but freaked out about the scale :(