My Progress, so far...

I took some more pictures today after the kids and I got home from church. When I looked at this picture, I could see a lot of different things that have changed since I started Weight Watchers. But the thing that stood out the most for me is that I now have the self confidence that was lacking for so many years. I like how I look these days, but more then that I love who I am. I believe in myself and my ability to accomplish the goals that I set for myself. After experiencing this awesome feeling, I don't plan to go back to the obese me ever again!


Unknown said…
No way we are going back to OBESE LAND EVER!! :) You look great!! :)
Eve said…
Andrea, you look freaking amazing!! I have been verging on a binge, but your before and after picture has stopped me in my tracks!! Look what can be achieved!! So inspirational!! :-)

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