Pride & a Smile!

Yesterday I took progress pictures and it was a lot of fun. I compared the pictures I took yesterday with the ones that I took nearly 3 years ago, and I'm still astonished by the difference that I was able to make not only physically, but mentally as well. I am stronger now then what I was then. I am so much more confident then I was back then. and the thing that strikes me the most about myself is my countenance. I just have a happiness about my face that I was lacking when I first started my journey. It's hard to explain how this all happened, actually no it's not. I guess the only way that I could describe "what happened" to me was that I dared to believe in myself again. I hadn't even lost any weight yet, but my mentality had changed from thinking that I couldn't do anything to knowing that I at least wanted to try. You know something? This is the most important thing I've learned so far, and that is that I am only a failure when I stop trying. That's right, it's very simple, but fantastic at the same time! Just TRY and you aren't a failure, that's it! Every step of the way is like a baby's steps, the baby might try to take a step, and yes a baby will fall after trying to take it's first step, but the baby KEEPS trying until it is able to walk without the help of it's parents. The baby will try to take more steps, and yes, it will fall, but eventually the baby will be able to walk so well that it can run, and run fast! That is the way that I have looked at this journey of mine. It seems insurmountable to be able to lose a ton of weight, like climbing Mt. Everest, it seems impossible! but with one footstep in front of the other, and it is indeed possible to scale even Mt. Everest! Please! Please believe in yourselves. You truly are worth it to TRY to scale your own Mt. Everest. One day when you hit your very own summit, you will look back and know that it was well worth all the effort it took to get to that summit, and that you will want to help others scale theirs as well! This is truly an exciting journey! The fact that I dared to even attempt nearly 3 years ago, and it will be officially 3 years on March 12, 2008! Can you believe that it's been that long already?! I feel like it was just yesterday that I even started this blog! Wow! Time is sure ticking away people! It passes by whether you choose to do something with that time for the positive? and it will tick by even if you choose to do nothing. The key word here tonight is TRY. What are you going to do to TRY to become better? It's up to you how you want to spend your life. I choose to spend my life setting goals, and trying to move forward. That's what life is after all, it's TRYING! So, what are YOU going to do? Are you just going to sit there? or at least TRY and see where that unexplored road takes you??? Somethin' to think about!!

So! Here are a few of my pictures that I took yesterday! My mini-photo shoot that I did yesterday. Don da da don!!!


Team Chastain said…
You look FLIPPIN FABULOUS! *high five*
Team Chastain said…
Also, if you don't mind my asking, how tall are you? We are about the same on both "before" and "after" weights, and I've been at it seriously since 2007/08 -- I'm rethinking my ultimate goal weight.
Thankyou Michelle!! I am 5 ft 2 inches tall, oh yes, and 1/4th!! I have to add that in because every little inch counts! Lol Ya know, my goal weight I had set at 130 pounds. I took it off my blog as my goal weight because I just don't think I'll ever get that low. With muscle training, and cardio, the muscles are built up and the fat is burned and then it sort of evens itself out on the scale. I don't even use the scale as a way to measure success just because weight is always flucuating so using a tape measure is a better way to measure success and fat loss. Also use the way that you fit in your clothes as a way to know that you're progressing. It is one thing to weigh yourself on a scale and see a number, and totally something else to fit into a pair of pants that used to never fit! and much more motivating to keep going!!
Team Chastain said…
We have so much in common regarding our weight and goal...I'm the same height at you (minus a hair or two! LOL)
I began right around 200 and am now hovering between 144-146. I used to say I would be thrilled to get to 135...but at this point, I try to focus on how far I've come. I'm 43 and I think it's not such a bad thing if I accept 140 as my "goal."
I love your attitude! Way to go! :)

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