• it's too expensive! How could I ever afford that!
  • I have to go out of my way to do what?
  • how much do I "have" to spend on that health garbage again?!
  • I'm a parent and I'm old, what's the point of getting healthier now, I'll just be more wrinkly with more loose skin!
  • My clothes are too tight, guess I'll go n buy a bigger size yet again...
  • I won't have supporters of my life style there fore I should just give up...
  • NO ONE can possible be THAT fit! That's impossible! The "norm" is a muffin top with a side of jiggle in the wiggle when I walk get it right!
  • Why buy all those fruits n veggies?! My kids will hate em and I'll just end up throwin' em away anyways
  • My whole family has a history of obesity, so since it's hereditary I have to settle for looking and being this way!
  • Where's my remote for the remote, that turns on the remote?! SHEESH DO I HAVE to GET UP AGAIN?!
  • WHY do anything when settling is "good enough" for me!
  • My ass has now put a shape in my favorite couch! If I lose any weight it will be uncomfortable then I'll have to buy a new couch which would be more expensive so I think I'll just stay obese for the sake of my own ass!
  • I spent a fortune on my new MAMMA JAMMA tent-style swim suit that has a shower cap, a turtleneck, and stockings built in so I'll FINALLY be able to show some skin this season! And you're telling me that I'll have to go n shop for a smaller size when I lose weight?! That's reDICULOUS!
  • I've fallen in love with the shape of my tenth chin... why change now?
  • I have MADE kankles come back into fashion!
  • My mothers mothers mothers mothers mothersssss motherrrrrrrrrr said that we have a history of not liking change so I don't think I should change now, it's too hard...

Okay. Now for some Pros's:
  • I will LOVE the new me, how I look, how I feel better about myself, and I will finally LOVE myself enough to change, regardless WHAT others day! I'm willing to do the work required to get healthier and fitter to be a better and healthier me not ONLY for me, but for my family, for my friends, and for anyone else that is watching me lead by my example so that I can pay it forward to others so they can get their lives back as well!!
Now ASK yourself which list YOU have given yourself as to why you're over weight, or even obese? and ask yourself this next question. AM I WILLING TO GET TO WORK TO ACHIEVE MY GOALS? or am I going to continue to create more CONS as to why I can't lose the dang fat and get healthier, stronger, and change my life? ONLY YOU can answer that question for yourself! ;)


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