Living a life of wellness in all aspects of life!

Something I knew for many years but was struck my this importance yesterday is that it is up to YOU and YOU ALONE to keep a testimony! Now I'm not only talking about spiritually, but physically, and financially as well. Your choices in this life are your testimony of what you believe to be true and what you hold dear to your own standards and beliefs. Just like YOU are the only one that has to do ...the work to lose the weight, you alone make those choices to do better in all areas of life, a FULL LIFE'S wellness journey is what I will call it in fact! From losin' the dang fat, to getting out of debt and staying outta debt, to believing on what you believe spiritually. It's up to you alone to live life to the standard that you believe in! I don't know about you all but I would rather live to be 100 years old and be proud of my accomplishments, instead of growing to be that old and looking back and having a lot of shoulda coulda woulda's in my past ;) Just my two centsSee More


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